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Saint John's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Middletown, Co. Armagh

Primary 7 Leavers’ Mass

25th Jun 2023

It is with mixed emotions that we celebrated our Leavers’ Mass for the Primary 7 class of 2022/23. Sadness at having to say goodbye, yet joy and pride, for this group of fine young people heading on to the next chapter of their lives, wonderful ambassadors for our school.

Thank you to Fr. Sean Moore and all the families for joining us in this special celebration. The primary 7 children showcased their talents, reading, singing and playing the tin whistle, ably assisted by the P5/6 choir. 
As the P7 children sang us a farewell song, we were brought back in time to their younger days and their journey through St. John’s. It certainly tugged at the heart strings!
Thank you to all the staff who helped prepare the presentation, the displays in the hall and the refreshments afterwards. A special word of thanks to Mackles for the wonderful ice cream treat. It was gratefully received by all!