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Saint John's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Middletown, Co. Armagh


2019/2020 School Year

3rd Mar 2020
Our book fair is here! It will be open from 2pm-3pm every day this week for parents....
25th Feb 2020
Pupils enjoyed making and eating some delicious pancakes today. They decorated them...
13th Feb 2020
Well done to our pupils from P3- P7 who received certificates this term for their...
13th Feb 2020
Our Eco Committee and a few helpers have been working very hard over the last couple...
7th Feb 2020
Congratulations to our hurling and camogie teams who won the indoor Cumann na mbunscol...
7th Feb 2020
The Primary 1 children took their learning outdoors today. The boys and girls were...
4th Feb 2020
Well done to both our quiz teams who recently took part in the Credit Union quiz...
31st Jan 2020
As part of Catholic Schools week we held a very special day for our Grandparents....
31st Jan 2020
Primary 3 celebrated the life of St. Brigid in their assembly today. They retold...
14th Jan 2020
To finish off our topic on ‘Toys & Christmas’ the children were asked...