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Saint John's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Middletown, Co. Armagh


2023/2024 School Year

26th Oct 2023
The boys and girls have been busy bees in the Primary one classroom. They have all...
6th Sep 2023
Primary 6 have been enjoying the sunshine while taking the time to do some gardening....
6th Sep 2023
The boys and girls have settled in brilliantly to Primary 6! We are looking forward...
1st Sep 2023
The boys and girls in Primary 1 enjoyed a tour around our school today. They got...
1st Sep 2023
A big warm welcome to our twenty-three boys and girls who started Primary 1 this...

2022/2023 School Year

27th Jun 2023
As we bid farewell to our wonderful primary 7 class of 2022/23, we thank them, for...
26th Jun 2023
An insight into our busy, fun filled year in Primary one. 😃
26th Jun 2023
Primary 7 enjoyed a fun filled end of year trip to Carlingford Adventure Centre....
25th Jun 2023
It is with mixed emotions that we celebrated our Leavers’ Mass for the Primary...
23rd Jun 2023
Primary 3 have enjoyed learning makaton signs to new songs every week. Here is our...